Sunday, 3 August 2014

STOP that Fire Brigade!

Many a times in one day itself we try to show different sides of our personality in front of different people. Often then, we show the urge to alter our personalities, our expressions, our thoughts according to the person and the situation around. In this alteration process frequently dubbed as "Social Sense" we tend to forget that we are leaving behind our "Inner Self". 

Speaking of this inner self, it is the most unique element present in every individual alive. This is the factor that makes every person different from the other. Simply saying, it is the SPICE in our lives. This spice isn't inborn in anyone. It comes into you because of your interesting and unique experiences, your relations with your friends, with your family and with the society. This spice in you...creates you, in real sense. 

In the world of "Socially Sensible people", retaining this spice element in oneself is the real, hardcore challenge! Social or behaviour psychologists say that this "Spice" often makes us vulnerable to unpredicted situations and in turn leads us to follow our sub-conscious mind. But isn't it fun doing something and not knowing what the result may turn out? Why to restrict ourselves to this social net, why not be free; when we have a choice?

And today, on the occasion of Friendship Day, I make a gentle request to anyone and everyone who is reading this post. Always remember that your friends, your companions, your soul-mates are connected to you not because of your social behavior or your success rate (professionally or personally). They are connected to you by a single strong string called "Spice". STOP that fire brigade in you...Awaken the spice. 

Bis Dann, till then,

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