Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The 11:59 alarm !

You may know that owls can see only when it is dark. And hence they are awake at night. Many dogs are also awake during the dark due to a similar scientific reason. And to this list of OWLS and DOGS now belong humans! 

Our urge and desperation for hangouts with friends, for watching Youtube videos and films, for chatting with our partner, or for browsing the internet; all these get activated at the night time! Why so?!!

Nowadays there is another new trend of wishing people on their birthdays and anniversaries on the annoying time 12 Midnight! That's why we are so used to setting the 11:59 alarm. Generally on our birthdays we used to get up a little late than the usual. And just an hour of extra sleep would be like a great gift to us! Then inviting our friends for a nice party in the evening would be the cherry on the cake. 
But nowadays getting up late can be stated as an outdated concept! Because 80% of teenagers sleep at around 3 a.m. and get up at 12 Noon. I know that I have repeated this fact a few times in my earlier blogs, but it is of that importance! This schedule of most of the teenagers just annoys me. 

We are not designed to be NOCTURNAl ! Then why are we going down that lane? This is the only reason that our society lacks behind others. Because we just ignore the natural timetable. And we need to put a break to this now. 

Look upon the things we are missing! The morning dews, the fresh sunlight, the little cold air, the birds chirping, the silence! All this is the true essence of what we used to call "Mornings" ! 
It seems that the concept of Mornings is vanishing! All we have now are afternoons, evenings and nights! 

Wake up Teenagers!
Wake up EARLY! 
And enjoy the morning! :D 

Bis Dann, till then,

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