Thursday, 11 December 2014

Demon O'clock!

They say an empty mind's a demon's home! That we move far away from a pristine condition, when the mind empty! Its seems funny to me how we believe, almost blindly any thought, any quote put forward by some Mr. Anonymous who's presence doesn't even matter in our own milieu. 

This I would say is our "Devil's home" playing with our conscience. It happens to us many times that we immediately connect some quote to our lives. Isn't it magical? Although I am shocked at the veracity of our minds to term this connectivity as "A devil act" !
Does it mean we believe that there is a devil somewhere inside us? 
And if we believe so, why do we embrace it so willingly?

Let me forewarn you before you start cooking some "Devil" thought in your mind which is indeed as immaculate as a wedding cake! There is no such thing as DEVIL . Its just the absence of Good! As a famous saying goes, "Dark is just the absence of light", similarly, "Devil is just the absence of good". Isn't it that simple! Then why do we complicate it so much? 

It is just that we are comfortable of handling the devil because the good is too heavy to bear! Why can't an empty mind be a new thought's home? What say? Why don't we embrace a new thought the denizen of our mythical "empty mind".

And what is this empty mind? Is it a mind just void of any thought? Or it is a bountiful mind which accumulates the synergy created by calmness and stability of thought? The latter sounds more positive, but it's hard to digest, isn't it? Our habit of associating the empty with the devil has to be modified. It is this obnoxious approach of ours towards the calm, the charismatic, the stable and the divine; which is forcing us to opt for the simpler option. 

Today we stand at the midnight hour of demon o'clock. It is in our hands only to decide the speed, veracity and necessity of the ticking of this clock. We have to pledge to be the pioneers of change of not only time but also the clock...measuring it, evaluating it from time to time. 

Calmness and divinity are not laws which can be practiced only in a perfectly serene external environment! Instead calmness and divinity are the principles of life which can be bent and mended according to our needs. Let us cherish these principles in every act of our daily life. 

Let us not be afraid. Because, "WHERE FEAR ENDS, LIFE...STARTS! 

Oh! Look at the time! It must be divine o'clock! 

Bis dann, till then,